Products are subject to availability and can take 2 weeks or more to ship. For additional or product specific information please call: (705) 645-6451
Due to the discount, all sales are final.
Note: All custom upholstered furniture requires 6-8 weeks for production and delivery.
please note that a 50% deposit is required on all furniture orders.
furniture samples and fabric swatches are available in store.
Contact us today for exact shipping and production costs
This modernized chair looks great from all angles. Swivel base allows you the freedom to face the conversation area or the TV.
Eco-friendly construction. Certified sustainable, kiln-dried wood frame. MicroGel soy-based polyfoam with fibre wrap. Sinuous wire spring system. Made in Canada. Available in fabric or leather.
Length x Depth x Height: 27"x 32"x 34"
Arm Height: 24"
Seat Height: 19"
Seat Depth: 21"
As an inherent quality of a hand-crafted product, all dimensions are approximate
Aldo Geo Graphite
Arizio Chinchilla
Dash Coromande
Dobbie Charcoal
Jillings Tuxedo
Klein Black
Nubia Onyx
Sweden Domino
Varsity Black
Windsor Onyx
Alaska Denim
Antwerp Sapphire
Avoletta Chambray
Azulejos Azure
Brugge Sapphire
Buckaroo Twilight
Catcher Tahiti
Charleoi Navy
Chess Sapphire
Dana Stone
Dena Seaspray
Earth Cobalt
Eli Navy
Ferguson Federal
Gent Cloud
Granbury Brigadier
Hamilton Denim
Kamali Midnight
Kristoff Midnight
Largo Indigo
Liege Peacock
Louvain Navy
Marlow Bluebird
Marlow Denim
Nisa Teal
Piece of Cake Indigo
Samira Bayou
Santorini Cobalt
Sophie Sky
Topsider Navy
Turbo Heather
Uma Steel
Vivid Moonlight
Waterloo Navy
Wilda Mystic
Bardot Teal
Binetti Teal Bayou
Coconut Gulf
Dayglow Mineral
Hatteras Pool
Henry New Aqua
Henry Peacock
Javi Atmosphere
Klein Laguna
Nagaoka Sky
Peace Out Batik
Piece of Cake Tranquil
Ruscha Baltic
Salvo Pool
Starla Lake
Streetsmart Buoy
Vase Anthracite
Watson Turquoise
Zelle Teal Bayou
Amabel Bark
Bae Trail
Bella Chocolate
Bella Coffee
Brussels Mocha
Cabachon Cocoa
Charisma Saddle
Chess Mocha
Dana River
Dobbie Pewter
Eli Cremini
Eli Java
Gent Graphite
Gibson Mink
Gibson Seal
Henry Stone
Julia Cafe
Julia Potters Clay
Kettler Toblerone
Nevada Bitter Chocolate
Panther Linen
Shagreen Truffle
Tease Truffle
Thatcher Cocoa
Turbo Brindle
Windsor Mocha
Avanti Goldenrod
Binetti Absinthe
Catcher Sundrop
Dena Metal
Fairgrove Birch
Grotto Sunny
Kristoff Wheat
Navigator Butter
Nubia Karat
Peace Out Citron
Retreat Butter
Schiele Arch Golden Hour
Spectrum Taupe
Toba Fossil
Wilda Mica
Cabachon Leaf
Cashell Anjou
Chantel Stripe Mineral
Haviland Pewter
Julia Zanzibar
Kai Spring
Musone Olive
Nagaoka Green
Sicily Laguna
Trevi Spring
Vios Leaf
Yates Aspen
Zelle Jade
Abbey Road Truffle
Alaska Graphite
Alaska Silver
Avanti Graphite
Bae Nickel
Bae Pebble
Bae Tweed
Bella Otter
Bermuda Zinc
Buckaroo Charcoal
Buckaroo Pistachio
Catcher Zinc
Cecili Graphite
Charleoi Taupe
Chess Dusk
Chess Graphite
Chess Sterling
Coconut Graphite
Colby Marmor
Dana Metal
Dayglow Zinc
Dobbie Nickel
Eli Platinum
Gent Charcoal
Gent Smoke
Granbury Graphite
Granbury Thistle
Hamilton Grey
Henry Cobblestone
Hi Def Pewter
Hotel California Silver
Jillings Zinc
Julia Charcoal
Jumper Silver
Kalahari Pewter
Klein Dolphin
Louvain Taupe
Luxor Glacier
Luxor Granite
Marlow Asphalt
Marlow Dolphin
Milford Asphalt
Musone Alu
Namur Taupe
Neytiri Sealion
Nubia Platinum
Nubia Sterling
Oakwood Silver
Orly Silver
Parisienne Pewter
Propero Platinum
Samira Metal
Savona Chinchilla
Serengeti Bisque
Sid Pewter
Snapshot Fog
Snowden Mercury
Sophie Iron
Sophie Light Grey
Sophie Steel
Spectrum Charcoal
Starla Charcoal
Suit Up Mercury
Toba Graphite
Topsider Chrome
Trespass Graphite
Trespass Marmor
Trespass Slate
Uma Titanium
Vega Graphite
Vibes Charcoal
Vibes Grey
Grotto Earth
Interlock Tussah
Jigsaw Melon
Limbo Coral
Neytiri Poppy
Piperton Pewter
Pots Beet Root
Sireena Copenhagen
Alaska Putty
Alaska Taupe
Avanti Putty
Bae Porcelain
Bella Buckwheat
Buckaroo Bleach
Cabachon Linen
Charleoi Bisque
Chess Linen
Chess Oyster
Coconut Metal
Coconut Spray
Dior Cream
Earth Hessian
Eli Tussah
Flip Vanilla
Gibson Jute
Gino Pearl
Glitz Platinum
Granbury Pewter
Henry Bone
Hotel California Sand
Javi Driftwood
Jillings Linen
Julia Sugar Cane
Klein Mousse
Klein Ivory
Louvain Bisque
Marlow Toast
Milford Toast
Nubia Stone
Nubia Pearl
Samira Natural
Sophie Natural
Striato Pewter
Surrey Latte
Trespass Nature
Uma Pearl
Ranger Twill Mandarin
Suit Up Flame
Azulejos Fuchsia
Capri Grape
Dena Blush
Dior Blush
Faulkner Passion Fruit
Granbury Aurora
Kai Mulberry
Kalahari Rosewood
Musone Blush
Nagaoka Coral
Nubia Fuschia
Oakwood Blushe
Trevi Mulberry
Zebra Ikat Hibiscus
Browser Barnwood
Dayglow Heliotropee
Fulilo Amethyst
Gibson Leather
Jillings Amaranth
Julia Concord Grape
Kenzo Plum
Kettler Quartz
Kingston Aubergine
Navigator Orchid
Pomeroy Feather
Retreat Orchid
Sophie Heather
Bauer Rhubarb
Binetti Crimson
Coconut Radish
Marlow Red
Peace Out Cerise
Samira Ruby
Sireena Tomato
Spectrum Rouge

Full Collection
item |
sku |
dimensions |
Swivel Chair |
259-24 |
L27" |
D32" |
H34" |
AH24" |
SH19" |
SD21" |